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Research activities involve studying and analyzing the natural world to gain new knowledge, Nature conservation activities aim to protect and preserve ecosystems and species, and

Nature education focuses on raising awareness and understanding of the natural environment.

Together, these three field of activities play a crucial role in advancing our knowledge, promoting conservation efforts, and nurturing a sustainable relationship with nature.

Conducted Projects and Partner organizations

Conducted Projects:

  • Songinokhairkhan mountain and Swan lake biodiversity research and conservation project

  • Gun Galuut biodiversity research and conservation project

  • Gun Galuut wetlands conservation

  • Discovering local wetlands: the vital habitat of migratory birds

  • Building the Participatory Environmental Monitoring to the Gun Galuut Locally Protected Area and strengthening cooperation of its different parties.

  • Building the sustainable wetland conservation and capacity of local communities through the "Gun Galuut Nature Conservation Center" in Central Mongolia


SNCF established Research, Training & Information Center, the GGNCC (Gun-Galuut Nature Conservation Center), at GGLPA for scientific research and conservation activities Research & Information Center established in 2022 Bird Ringing Station in Central Mongolia Conduct biodiversity research & conservation activities Run eco-tour and special interest tours

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